The day before Dad and I went down :D so we wouldn't
have to get up at 3A.M. to get there, and for other things
too, but that was one of the main ones. :)

We got down there about 5ish. So we walked around down
town, got some food (:really good food:), and walked some
more. As we were walking there were sounds like a ball game
was going on. Having nothing better to do with our
time (like go back to the Hotel and sit with the TV
on) :P. Thought it would be fun to go to a game. :D

Cool thing was, when we went to pay they said it was open
cause it was at the top of the 6th. But not only did we get
in for free :D there was not a lot of people there, as in 'maybe'
100-150 other then workers. So we got to sit in the place we
wanted. :D

That was a lot of fun! :)

Then when the game was over we walked down to see the
Capitol Building at night, and walk around it and such. :)

OK, and get some pix :)

Cool lookin' hey?


And the time has come (or had come:).

Now who might that be???? :D Hope you don't mind. :)


Doing something of great import I'm sure. :)

Now I'd say she's good with a gun. (I didn't get a pic of the deer).

Papers, papers, papers....

The Rally

Hmmm.... I know it's in here some where.... no that's not it....
no that's not it.... It may be little but you can put a lot in it. :)

Jack Hoogendyk 2008 For US Senate

This is most of our group....

This is most of the group. :)

I think it was said there were 900 people there.

Dad, the guy said there wasn't any money here any more...

In the office of Mr. Darwin Booher

He and Dad talked about a good bit of things.

Nice to hear what he had to say.

And he was very willing to talk, and be asked about what
he does and such.

He also let us take pix from his office, that is on the 13th floor. :)

It was funny, we went out of he office cause he needed to
get, then we met up with him on the elevator, and ended
up walking him to the Capitol Building, in, and to the elevator,
in there and up. Though he went to 2, and we went to 3.
Oh well, I thought it was cool anyway. :)


James, Wade, and I had a great time running
from here to there to get pix and stuff, it was a lot
of fun. :D

Looking down...

looking at people :) hehehe...

looking up. :) Are we done looking yet??? nope :)

Hey, did any of you know that Rachel, and Bret can't hear
very well??? :)

The Senate Floor

Looking up again... :)

Ah! Group pic! sorry no I don't have one. Lydia made me
sit so I couldn't have got one if I try'd :) so you'll have to
look on her blog, or ask Wade. :)

Fun Day. Long day. Learn full day. Walk day. Up day.
Down day. Here day. There day. Fast day. Slow day.
It was quite the day! :)Thanks to all that put it together, helped, and let us know about it.