(Doesn't he just look so happy with me?!) :)

Random thoughts, random pictures, random faces made by random people. Random things that God is teaching me, maybe not so randomly. Along with not so random things that God has put into my life. All of which I am thankful for, good and bad. Even this description is random! =] Hope you can get past my silliness! For His glory! BSBT
Hannah- My great friend ever since I was 2 years old (at least I think that's when we met). What would I ever have done without her? Growing up we had our quibbles, like any two little girls do, but no matter how we would fight (mostly when we were younger, and only really over toys), it never really came to anything. Now a days we don't really fight, you will see below one of our first fights in a long time... :D Though very quiet most of the time, she will put forth what she thinks when everyone else gives her a chance to. But mostly, she likes to take in what others are saying, and think deeply about it. I can always see her mind working over something when we are just walking along without saying anything, or just sitting there. Though we do talk at times, there is still an understanding of our friendship when we just walk together in stride without saying a thing but now and then.
Something fun about Hop- Why, you may ask, do I call her "Hop". Well, it's quite simple you see, it's the way my mind works... :) We were out playing Volleyball one night, and there was another Hannah there, it is really hard to say "Yours Hannah" when there are two Hannah's on the same teem! (Or two of any name for that matter). So I knew something needed to be done! I looked over at my Hannah, trying to think of what we could call her that would be short, would fit her, and we could remember. She had on that night an Orange shirt, and a Purple skirt. What do you do with that? Well, I'm sure you've guessed it by now. Her name starts with a H, Orange starts with an O, and Purple starts with P. Therefore, we called her Hop. Though for others that have called her Hannah for her whole life it was hard to change to Hop, so most of the time it is only me what calls her Hop. I enjoy nick names! :D Though I'm sure you can't tell. =]
So what brought this post about? Well, Hop just had a Birthday last week, and some of us girls got together to surprise her! :D It turned out quite to every ones enjoyment I do believe, (hope:) I just thought I'd let you see her reaction as she came down the stairs and saw all of us there! :D Hope the video works well, and that you may enjoy it!
While you're around, you want to drop a note and tell Hop Happy Belated Birthday? I'm sure she'd enjoy seeing it! :)
First you shall see Mom coming down, then me, then Lydia, and Hannah last. To get hop to come down stairs I asked her if she wanted to play some ping-pong real fast... =D
Love you Hop!