The story- Last night Mom was sitting at her computer, and started hearing some noises, (as did I) coming from the kitchen, so she told Dad about it. He being the wise man that he is, went down stairs to get the mouse traps! :D Well, after setting the traps Dad thought he'd sit in the kitchen and listen for a little while... in the dark! While we were all sitting doing our own thing (Mom at her computer, Dad sitting in the kitchen, me sitting at the laptop) straining our ears for anything, Dad all of the sudden JUMPED! It was so loud, and such a thud, that Mom and I were sure the mouse had done something to him! :) Well, it ended up that his cellphone had buzzed and scared him half to death, leading him to scare Mom and I half to death! =]
Well, the kids called to ask if they could all come down for a little while last night, so they did.
While the boys were playing ping pong with Papa, Brad took on the task of trying to get that mouse.
After a lot of searching around for evidence, and not really finding any, he came back and just sat with us in the living room for a little bit. After some time had passed he thought he'd go back and try again. Before he even got to the kitchen again we all hear this HUGE falling of something loud!
This time I was looking into it! :)
It ended up being a bag of mixed nuts that had fallen. No sign of a mouse.
So all that to say, we didn't get the mouse, but Brad was rather funny looking while trying to find it! :)
This is he, looking for the unseen mouse.

Do you think he's missing anything he might need?

Editor's note: These pictures were taken last night, and he did dress up just for the hunt.
Not even kidding! :)
Have a day! :)