Dad, Mom, Mrs. Templeton, Hannah (AKA Hop), Sam (AKA-Sammy), and I went down to my Uncle Dan's house for the 4th of July this year. We had a lot of fun with the family, and we got to surprise Grandma (she was the only one that didn't know we were coming :). It was a very fun, and LONG day! :)
Mom holding the new baby (my 2nd cousin) Mya, Josh, and Melissa my cousin's wife and mother of the baby. :)
Food line. There was soooooo much food!!!! :P and it was all sooo good, it was one of those things where you just keep eating and eating..... wow! I think I was 5lb more by the time we got home. =~]
HEHEHEHEHE!!!! As you all should well know by the post I did not so long ago, if you make a silly pic I will post it and if you make a nice pic I will post it. So it's up to you what you want people to see. :D I have a silly Mommy, I'd say that's where I get all my silliness from but that's only the half of it =~D
After we all got done eating (for the first time), we took a walk over to the park to have some fun and kill off some of the food we had just taken in. :)
Then some of us older kids (Sammy, Hannah, Ray, Shelly, Dad, Grandma, and I:)
went over to play a game of Softball. We had a lot of fun, but it was so crazy. Dad was all time pitcher for the game, so that made it 3 on 3, and every now and then when the bags were full we would pull one of the other team's players. It was so crazy though, by the time you made it all the way around you were up to bat. :P I think we only made it to three innings :] can you guess why??? :)
As all of this was going on the little kids had a game going too, but seeing as the camera was sitting on the bench over by us we have no pix of their game.

And back to Mya sleeping.
And back to Mya sleeping.
We didn't get too many pix for all the eating, playing, talking and everything, but we sure had a good time! :) Thank you Uncle Dan for letting us all come for such a great time! :)
This Is My 100th Post!!!! :)
Does that mean I get 100 comments??? :D
It looks like you had fun and I will be the first of your 100.
Okay and I'll be the second. Looks like fun my Meatball!
We had a nice day, but I am still wiped out from it all. And it was FOUR DAYS AGO!!! I'm getting old. -BT
I am glad you had fun. Congratulations on 100 posts! I am only at 51. Of course, you have had your blog quite a bit longer than I have. I do think you need 100 comments for your 100 th post!
If you want I can post the same thing about 80 times....
and again.....
and again.
You sure aren't getting comments very fast! Where is everyone?!
i can make it 9
and 10
Well Bethany, if you are going to make it to 100 I had better add the #11. :)
um i guess im # 12 umm happy 100th post bethany
Well im #13 how cool is that, its gonna be a loooong time before i get 100 lol
ok am i aloud to go twice if so # 14 which im turning friday yea
be a few more for ya. :)
bethany we called your dad and sang happy birth day for him
Well Bethany, it looks like it might take a very long time to get to 200 comments for your 200th post! Maybe by that time you will have lots of devoted followers.
As a side note... Why do almost all of my comments start with "Well"??? I had better start coming up with something else to say.
I will keep leaving a post a day (at least) until you get to 100! :)
Yea i'm #21 i am not 21 i'm 17 but will be there soon! :D
i like the pix but not very much the ones of me they're 'ok' :)
i cant think of anything else to say cuz my brain is tired! good night
And thanks Uncle Dan for letting us come down and surprise Gramma is was fun and the food was yummy!
Hannah, You are the same age I was when I met you. Lora, Molly, Krista and I were all 17. I turned 18 a few weeks later and Krista, Molly and Lora followed in that order in the following weeks. The four of us are less than two and a half months apart.
is josh I just tought that i would be a leader and say hay and not well. And yes i am back and better than ever and ready to debate kitty.
hey, that's cool Rhonda!
Josh, hay is for horses. :)
You are a quarter of the way there!! Yea!
OK OK i got it hays for horses grasses is cheaper lol well if u cant laugh at yourself ha ha ha
Here is my comment for today, Bethany.
I guess I will go back to commenting on the picture or else this could get really boring! :)
The picture of your mom and grandma eating reminds me of my grandma. When I was little a friend of ours was always around with a video camera or regular camera. She was always getting pictures of Grandma with her mouth full. Grandma finally decided she wasn't going to eat anymore when this lady was around. One video was so funny because she kept trying to catch Grandma and Grandma kept saying "I am not going to eat!"
I always do goofy things for the camera. It usually doesn't bother me.
Looks like you might get to 100! :)
looks like ! might make it to 100 :)
happy 100th comment just joking happy 38th you have a long way to go.good luck.
43 count with me it would be nice if you would take the word verification.
47 lnbmiwt
OK, thank you all for trying.
But at least say some thing, not just # please :~}
finally 50 i tried to get you to 50 i know there was not a lot of meat in those sentences but i bet i probably tipped 6 sentences with all the word verification. good luck.
LOL, thanks Josh! :]
o come on i did say some thing and you messed it up. And that what you get for not commenting on mine. good luck.
whats up with the mad face it scares me.
a lot don't hurt me please.
Amanda is making chocolate chip shortbread cookie logs for the cookie bake off tomorrow. They look so good. After they are baked they are dipped in chocolate and rolled in nuts.
That has absolutely nothing to do with anything. I just decided I would say SOMETHING for a comment. :)
That's Bethany's version of a smiley face. Poor Meatball. You must have had one full inbox! :) I don't know if a comment is a comment if it doesn't comment on anything.........
Oh LOL thanks for the info, Rhonda. :D
I don't know if a comment is a comment if you don't comment on anything. Is that a comment?
you know way if you guys i mean gals had any common sense you would know that that was 1 hole comment broke up in 20 different parts like a play or some thing. good luck on the common sense jk :,)
HUH?? my mind is boggled,flimflamed,snookledwarfed,and any other odd word you've heard my Dad or anybody else say. :)
you're gettin there Bethany.i'm not sure what number post this is! happy posting!!!
Good morning, Bethany!
Good night, Bethany.
only a million more to go good luck
I have almost let a day go by with out saying anything. Better fix that. I don't really have anything to say.
How's your foot, Bethany?
67 down 33 to go. Do you think you will make it before you leave next week?
We just have 17 left before Tuesday. Think we will make it? I am sure it can be done. If everyone that has commented will just do it one more time.
Happy 100th Meatball!!
hi I am josh and it is hot here.
Hi, I am Rhonda and it is hot here, too!
What time are you leaving,Bethany? I am not sure if you are going to get your 100 comments before you leave!
I have tried to say something in every comment. I haven't just put numbers or one word at a time. :)
I'll miss you while you are gone! Maybe I will spend less time on the computer! Of course, I will be gone part of the time you are. No! You come back and I leave!
This one more comment makes 90. Now I am going to bed. :)
All those comments and I didn't even realize that Stephanie was signed in. I guess I will just comment one more time under my own name!
You're getting close Bethany!! Only 7 more to go
No wait! Now it's 7 more to go.I can't count,i wonder why?? Cause it's 11:15!!!!! :D
Good morning, Bethany. Today is this big day. Taking off and going to the west coast.
I am running out of things to say, Bethany! I could tell you about my dream last night. It is kind of funny this morning. It was very funny in the middle of the night. I dreamed I was at my teachers house and we were upstairs talking.We looked up and there stood two men with semi-automatic guns pointed at us. They were wanting to rob that house. I wanted to tell them to get on with it and stop pointing the guns at us. I finally woke up. It is such a relief to awaken from some dreams! :)
Hope you're having a fun trip!
I was gone all afternoon and no one commented?!
I went to get my hair cut this afternoon. Monica and Stephanie went too.
I am just going to finish this thing off right now!
100!!! You made it, Bethany! Yeah! We didn't make it by the time you left but at least the same day!
Ok, I'll add a comment to make it past 100 :D
commenting on this thing is part of my life who knows wen all the madness going to stop.
Wow! 103! Congrats.
But i do not think it counts when everyone just says one word per post... Oh well.
OK i will say this once it would be stupid to stop now my goal is 1000 by the end of the year.this post is going to be part of my life.
this is my comment of the day why did every one stop commenting good day.
Well since we're now past 100, shall we go for 200? :)
OK this is my comment of the day I am on my great adventure of getting this post up to 1000. so just keep on trucking.
its me again is was a hot day today and you were not here to suffer through it
since none of you are commenting it looks like i will be the last person to comment on my quest to a thousand.
OK 110 and still trucking. Corn is fun and boring
OK. Yesterday was 82 degrees, and i was wearing long sleves and a blanket.
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