Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blows My Mind


Bethany Joy said...

I've done this before on paper, I was being timed and then right after I did it, Sarah did it and it was a LOT easier for her because she couldn't read at the time! It's still pretty hard though!

Anonymous said...

that was hard! but, i , being next to the most courageous person in the usa, accepted the challenge willingly,with no fear, or trace of doubt in my mind. i will never accept defeat....(to read the rest of this speech, go to my brand new blog,"megs-the one who knows") (JK,JK,JK)-megs

Bethany Joy said...

Hey Megs, you forgot to capitalize your I's

Anna Joy said...

*laughing hysterically*

Help! She's turning into me! There can only be one me!

Bethany Joy said...

Who me? I just get annoyed when people don't capitalize!