Friday, October 9, 2009

Disney 2009

We got Mom and Dad to "go green" in a trash recycling game they did.
Since they did it with the kids they put their team name as you can see, as the Boontowns. :)

Got a Fire to get to people, out a the way!

Here is me with the driver, he was so kind to pose... :)

This shot didn't quite come out how I wanted it to, but there were a lot of people looking at the really weird girl standing on the side of the Fire Truck taking a picture of the side mirror... so I thought I would give up and get down. :)

The Chef Guys...

I don't really remember what they called themselves, but they were cool. :)

Epcot (Golf Ball, as the kids called it:)

This little girl had 5 Birthdays, all in one week. Yes, and she probably is 5 lbs. bigger now too! :) jk

But she did enjoy it! ( Though we hope she forgets so she doesn't think it's going to happen every year!)

Yes, so with all the walking we did, you'd of thought that I would have lost some lbs. But for all the eating we did, you'd think I would have put on some. Well, I ended up coming back and being the same weight as before. That's ok though, it's much better than coming back and weighing more! =]

I thought this one was cute of Faith!

But here is all of us.

Wait, where are we again!?

Here is a side show we came upon in London, quite funny!
They picked people out of the crowd and had them act the parts. Hehe. :)

There is Jennifer. (Think I'd much rather be there than here.)

You may note, that Parker and Dad are not in this picture.
Dad's reason, just didn't really want to be in it.
Parker's reason, well, let's just say the kids took turns at who was going to be bad for the pictures, and this was just Parker's turn.

Jessica gave Faith Mickey ears.

This little guy stole some pizza out of a stroller that was parked along the side walk.
They know how and where to get food!
I was sitting on the side of a wall one of the days, and one came right up to me and put it's paws on my shoe, begging for food!

These are for Aunt Jennifer

The boys are wearing the outfits she sent them.

Carter was really getting into it :)


Big Baby! =] I thought it was cute, I got him with his leg up in the air

Wow, am I a pig! :D
Yes, I did eat most all of that in one sitting Rhonda. Though I did slip one thing on to Faith's plate that I didn't really want. =}

Out of orderness...

White Rhino

Mom and Dad

Faith. We were waiting to be called to eat, and I guess Dad thought he'd get some pictures of the kids.


I like this one :)


waiting, waiting, waiting...

Same place as last year

Anyone want to guess at the name of this bird?

That's right, it's a Spoonbill!



'nother fish

and but one more fish :)

Donald. Parker had a Mickey Mouse hat on, and Donald took it off him and threw it to me! It was rather funny. :)

Extras, behind the scenes of movie making.

He's Singin' in the rain, just singin' in the rain...

If you know this song, I'm sorry but it will be in your head for a while after this I'm sure.

Ta Da!

Wow! They are all looking at the camera! (Kind of)

Dad was having fun again with the camera

"You looking at me? Are You, lookin' at Me?"

Just one, of the VERY many Photopass people that will take your picture for you and put it on your card, then later you can go on line and pay to get them. Now that's a way to make money!

Ferry ride

No, that is NOT where we stayed! =] Looks nice though.

It's in sight!

Jessica on her throne

Stars and Stripes forever!

This was taken right after I got off the phone with Rhonda.
The birds are fearless too!

Where's the radio in this thing?

Hurry up little bunny

His eyes are off the road!!! (Really, it's ok, we were on tracks, and I was the one in charge of the gas pedal:)


Jessica, and her Eeyore

Riding in a flying ship

You can tell Parker just l..o..v..e..s.. rides can't you... =]

Castle at night




Brad and Jessica

Cute one of Jessica

Silly boy

He has Pooh on his nose!....hehehe



Faith telling Grandma about the day.

The little boy waiting for the fireworks to start. :)

And we end with me, your poster.
I know there's a lot of pictures here, but that's not even half of them, and there's the ones Brad and Jessica took too! But this shall be all I post I think. Don't want you all to be sick of it like last year!

1 comment:

Bethany Joy said...

Okay, cool post.... I think that's what I said last year too! But hey! It is!