For all those of you that know and want to know more, and for those of you that knew nothing and would like to know...
Dad went down to PA to help with the layout of a book on Monday morning, and was going to stay till today and go back home. But God thought other wise.
On Tuesday, half way through lunch he started really not feeling well, and after trying a few things and going into a sweat they thought it was time to take him in.
A long story somewhat shorter, they called Mom and said he was going to need to have his gallbladder out.
The Templeton's had already offered if we needed to get down there to be with him or anything they could do to let them know.
So when mom found out what was going on, she started packing.
The T's had had a long day of which started at 5 in the morning, ended them up in Illinois, and back home to pack and head to our house to take an 8 hour trip to bring mom and myself down here to PA. All in all, 18 hours plus in the car for both of them!
But oh what a blessing they have been and still are being.
Here is Dad last night after Church when we stopped in to see him and bring mom her stuff.
(Mom has been here since we got here about 7 yesterday morning.)

Ken. He has been so funny to have around. Being Ken, he is always being funny, but keep him from sleep for 30 hours, and he is more of a nut than I think anyone else has ever seen him be! :)
(The Dr. came in yesterday when we first got here and was getting all of Dad's past medical history, and Ken had to step out of the room before he met the floor... :D )

Shelly, helping out in every way, being such a blessing!

I'm just here to be in the way, take pictures, (that Dad will kill me later for posting), and whatever other trouble I can get into. :D

Ken left this morning so he could get back to be with Sammy and Hannah.
Shelly and I came this morning, and this is my view from the floor...
God is great isn't He!
They JUST put in the Wi-Fi yesterday while Dad was still in the ER and got it up and running by the time he was in his own room!
Praise The Lord!
Now Dad can still study, though in bed, and I am able to keep everyone here up to date. :)
Oh, I guess you might want to know what they found when they took the gallbladder out...
Well, from what I gather, they found gangrene in with a lot of stones.
So they want to keep him till at least Saturday to make sure infection doesn't set in.
So, if all goes well, I guess that's when we head home.
Thank you all for your prayers, it's great to know we have so many praying for us right now!
God's been good!
Well, after much spell checking by Mom and Dad, here is my post... =]
Well, after much spell checking by Mom and Dad, here is my post... =]
I pray everything goes well for you and your family.
Wow, what's Shelly knitting?
We love you and miss you all bunches....thanks for posting the pics!!
Amy- Thank you! :)
Looks like he may be able to get out today!
Kitty-An Afghan
And that you! We miss everyone there too!
Miss you all and still praying.
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