Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Drawing For Megs

Megs eating day old chips that I hadn't thrown out yet.

She didn't like them, but she ate most all of them just because they were there. =]

She saw one of my pictures I had done for fun, and asked my if I would draw her one.

So we picked one out and I started to.

While awaiting me, Megs had fun with my new camera, and all the fun things I have in my room.

Still working

Megs, still waiting. :) The other kids kept coming in, and found out what fun stuff I have in my room! :)
AGXc/PlCmDWk3xV0/s400/For+Megs+014.jpg" border=0>
The empty chip bowl. Morgs helped Megs clean it out. =}

Still working...

and being silly. =]

Almost done enough to give it to her. (Though had I kept at it I would have been doing touch-ups for hours!)
alt="" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj6AXn7Jw7239GFwVkNE3H25-qE_yNl_ZeEaKd0kyAWijf8ZDG3Fn9hsEp87-gLct3QAAtcANtg4yL0aGmNrSQntcs_aZ0p4qEgzYnsMFFV4cuZxPQucWZ_XxrDoQthPgtUaIBUwtsVUS8/s400/For+Megs+019.jpg" border=0>
JohnDavid gave me only so long or else... So I had to get done fast as I could! (Ok ok, just kidding. I told you the kids had fun with my room!) =]

"Is that good enough for you Megs?"

She seemed happy enough with it. :)


Amber said...

Is that one Hannah and I, or Hannah and Lydia?? I can't tell very well, it could be either.

BSBT said...

Or it could be neither...
It's Lydia and I.

Amber said...

OH.... Cuz Hop and I had our pic taken like that too...

Anonymous said...

i love your blog Bethany! Thank you for helping me figure it out.