The back all full of food for the month for the kids.
Jennifer eating her donut. The rest of us had meat pies. But I was to busy stuffing my face with its yummy goodness to think of taking a picture. =]
A few less things.
I was trying to give you an idea of how bad the road was that we had just gone over, but you can't tell at all how bad the roads are from these pictures. I'm going to have to try better.
Dropping food off
And saying hello
As always, I sit and take the pictures while Jennifer and Clara do all the work. ;)
Jennifer with Faith. :)
Girls getting water from the well.
And this is a nice road
Again, you can't tell how steep this is. It's really bad.
The wonderful driver. Though there were quite a few "CLUNKS" the car couldn't have been in better hands. :)

Just taking pictures as we're going along...
Then just as I take this picture my heart stopped! For I realized that it was police! (They could have taken my camera away had they wanted to.) Thankfully they just laughed and shook their finger. But I was pretty scared there for a moment! :)
Hair saloon ;)
Back home and resting after a long and busy morning. How do you like my new outfit that Jennifer got me?! My favorite soccer team too! :D
hey sis, i was thinking of you all day. hope youre having a great time i miss you a lot! love ya!
i have my earbuds plugged in to the comp and Im listening to us singing "thank you 4 the valley" on youtube. =]=]=] (sniff)
I LOVE singing that song with you Megs! :)
And even though that's me singing too, that song is always a blessing to me.
I miss you!
Hi, How did you fund your trip to Africa?
I saved up for it over time. I've known I've wanted to come for over a year now.
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