Monday, March 19, 2012

Church and after. :)

Saturday we were watching something and Jennifer said she wanted her hair like the girl on the show. So I thought it would be funny to do it for her. ;)

Sunday! Singing

The ladies choir

Pastor Frazer

Sunday School!

Jennifer teaching with Clara.

Still a little unsure of me. :) Better then the first time she saw me though. She looked at me, and realized I was NOT Jennifer, and ran to her mom! =]

Almost twins! =]
Somehow related, and born a day apart. Pretty close! =]


Picture time!


With me! =]

A snap

The power went out before we went to Church, so we couldn't use the stove for cooking lunch.

Skyping with everyone at Church! Yay!!! Mego was on at the same time!

She said something odd. :)
Waiting for Jennifer to see these. :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How pure the smiles are...