Sunday, January 20, 2008

Any One Cccooollldddd As Dad?????

What would I do with out such a great Dad to post on?

That's the fireplace for those of you that can't tell. :)
And I can't truthfully say that I've never done that before. =~]


Michelle said...

I did that before, it was when we had the wood stove. It warmed me up quickly. I always tried to sit and read like that though. Never worked.

Amanda said...

he can't be as cold as me because he doesn't have 10 layers

Rhonda said...

Haha! Funny picture! Everyone that comes to our house stands by the wood stove most of the time. The Thurmonds were here today and Mrs. Christine stood by the fire almost the whole time! It is a comfortable spot.

Amber said...

BSBT- I don't know what you would do either....

Anonymous said...

Has he warmed up yet?

Hannah said...

It's not a wonder! Ya'll's house is a little warmer downstairs, but upstairs it is downright cold! :-)
Of course, I'm used to a pretty warm house.