Friday, April 4, 2008

Take Care While Playing Spoons

Y'all know what this is? :)


Rhonda said...

Amanda wasn't even there!

BSBT said...

Well R, she was, that pic is from then. :)

Amber said...

Are you sure it wasn't *ketchup*???

BSBT said...

coming out of her hand???

Rhonda said...

I was going to say yes I do but then I thought it looked like your counter top. I thought I remembered the table being white. I didn't remember it having any speckles. When I looked at the picture closer I could tell it was a table. First mistake I've ever made. ;)

Amanda said...

Hey!!!!!! My blood made it on your blog, I feel soooooo privileged.
Thank you sooooo much for this kind gesture. :)

Anna Joy said...

All I have to say is "Ow, ow." I may never play spoons again after that! :-D