Life long friends we three.
I don't remember a time without Hannah, and I found an old cassette of Jennifer and Jessica, (My two older sisters), asking me who my new friend at Church was that had just been born, and with my little Southern Indiana Drawl, saying MarrrBeth.
So life without these two is pretty much unknown to me.
Our sillinesses have had no end. (Esp when Coffee has been consumed!:)
But this story I thought I'd tell, starts last Wednesday night on our way back from meetings out in Maistee.
Hannah, had been going with me for most of the the meetings, and this day she was dropped off at our house, and ended up helping with some stuff before we took off for our last night.
On our way, we gave MaryBeth a call to see is she needed a ride for sure or if she even was home yet from helping with some moving.
So when we called, she had JUST got home and I had Hannah tell her she had 5 min.
I complement that girl on how fast she can get ready! A shower and ready in about that time.
She took just long enough for me to eat my Bologna sandwich while sitting and waiting for her.
So we made it, meeting was great.
On our way home we were driving along and I looked up and saw how BIG, Full, and Bright the moon was that night.
I told the girls I wished we had someone with a nice camera that could get some pictures of it it as so cool looking.
So Hannah said, "I have my camera, I could try."
So we're out in the middle of nowhere, and I slow down so she could get a chance at a better picture, though we were still rolling, just rather slowly.
She tried once and we had rolled to where there was a house in the way of the moon.
So I sped up a little to where there was another clearing, while she worked on the settings of her camera.
When we got to the next opening I just came to a complete stop so I wouldn't have to worry about moving to far before she could try for the next picture.
Well, while we were stopped I was looking over at what Hop was doing with the camera, yet still keeping my eyes on the road to make sure no one came up behind.
Then, all of a sudden! I jumped as high as you can jump and as far away from my right side as I could in the seat belt!
And I tell ya! Hop and MB didn't have a clue as to what had happened to me!
That is, not till I pulled the cell phone out of it's case and flipped it open!
We were all laughing SO HARD!
I saw that the phone said 'unknown', so I was hoping it was someone that would be very understanding of me not being able to talk right away to them for all the laughing I was doing in their poor ear.
Ended up it was just Mrs. Roberson, calling to make sure we were OK!
I'm not sure the short of breath grasping for words, coming from my end of the line gave her much comfort of her daughter's life at the moment.
But when I was able to tell her what had happened, I think she was OK.
She told me that she was thinking, "Is there blood! How bad is it! Is everyone OK?!"
I'm sorry Mrs. Roberson, I will try to remember to have MB call you next time when we leave.
That I, if you ever let me take her anywhere with me again! :D
So, the moral of the story, next time I drive with the phone on my side, I think I'll try to make sure it's on ring, not
Have a wonderful new day!