Monday, May 24, 2010

The Touch of God-through sun rays?

Sitting in my room the other day on the floor, I was going through some things trying to get a little more order to it. Well now, I'm not sure how true that is, I had done a little restacking sure enough, but by this time I was just sitting there thinking.
What was I thinking about, well I can't recall to tell the truth. I know they were rather gloomy thoughts though, and I wasn't just over flowing with joy at that moment. Not that anything was wrong or anything, I guess I must have just been feeling sorry for myself for no good reason, or I was just thinking deep thoughts about what I should be doing.
Well, I had my hand on the floor to lean on. Being evening, the sun was at just the right place, as soon as it came out from behind the cloud, that it's warmth touched my hand and I was reminded that God loves me.
Even though I was feeling down, God sent the sun rays out at just the right time to remind me of His love for me, and that there was no reason to be feeling the way I was.
I went from sitting in the gloom and feeling bad for myself with worry and care to pull me down, to being so thankful for all God has done for me!
It's funny, but I had been thinking about posting this, and Dad just preached on, "Darkness".
Wow, God has the best timing doesn't He! =]
I snapped the photo above just after I realized what had happened. :)
I'm thankful for the little reminders God send my way!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that Bethany!
Love, Kathy

BSBT said...

You are welcome Mrs. Hallberg.
Praying for you