Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gone Ridin', Be Back...Maybe

Cash thought he'd take a rest before we headed out. :)

Not sure we could have picked a better day for color.

Buddy wasn't in the mood for being poky like the other horses. ;)


Up, up, up we go!

The pictures don't show the half of how steep the hill is!

We let the horses have a rest two or three times on the way up. Poor things don't get out much.

The view at the top!

This picture was a lot harder then you may think. Essie, doesn't like Buddy. So we had Cash in the middle, but Cash cared more about eating then getting his picture taken, so he turned his back to the camera. That would be why Hannah (who set up the camera on the limb of a tree) had to push the button, run over, and jump on backwards! :D Look at the picture close up, it's rather funny really. ;)

I love my Hannahs :D

And horses :D


Hop and Essie :D

My way cool, riding friendly thirty-one bag I ordered through my wonderful sister Jessica! It was so cool how it just sat on the back of the saddle, I hardly felt it the whole time. Even running I only had to move it back in place a few times!

After the long descent the saddles had moved themselves to the neck of the horses. So we had to take a break and fix them. =]

It was a lovely day, and a lovely ride. So much happened that day, you would have a book to read if I told you all about it. =]

Thank you HanE for all the work you put into the day!

But for now, I have three posts up within a few hours of each other, so that shall be it for now.

Hope you enjoy these for a while. Who knows when the next time will be that I get around to posting! =)


Sarah said...

I looooooove your horses:D :D

Sarah said...

I like Bethany's the best,because it's black and white:D:D

Anna Joy said...

Can't believe you went without me. Sniff sniff.