Monday, March 31, 2008

Do you like green eggs and ham


Molly said...

I do! I like them, Sam-I-Am!!!

(not in reference to peeps)

Anna Joy said...

Hmmm, I think those are turquoise! LOL. I love ham but eggs.....YUCK!

BSBT said...

well let me ask you this- what makes turquoise???

I did my best! :D Oh well

Anna Joy said...

Turquoise is purtier than green anyways! :)

Rhonda said...

Sorry to say it BSBT, but those eggs look NASTY! I don't care what you call the color!
By the way, how in the world did I manage to be away from your blog long enough for there to be five comments before I saw the post??? :)

Anna Joy said...

Hmmm, probably because I'm a bit prone to talkativeness and frequently leave more than one comment on a post?? :-D

Rhonda said...

Anna Joy,
That just the thing... I seem to always be the first to leave a comment on every blog. And I check Bethany's so many times a day I don't know how so many people said something before I did. :)
As for "talkativeness" hehehe! That would be me. Just ask anyone commenting on this blog. :P

liberty said...

R's right!!!

BTW Bethany, how come the ham's not green?!

Rhonda said...

Who ever heard of green ham? Would you eat ham that was green???

BSBT said...

L- that's what Hannah E. said, "why didn't you color the ham green too?" well for one I didn't even think of it. :) Would be cool though :D

R-what's wrong with the eggs? and why wouldn't green ham be any good? I'd eat it (as long as it was just food coloring)not much though. :~}

Stephanie Cosby said...

Well for one thing food coloring isn't good for you! :) Nothing is *wrong* with the eggs. They just look nasty. I am sure they are still edible... if you were really hungry. ;)

Rhonda said...

I did it again. I forgot to check to see if I was signed in and commented under Stephanie's name.

Amber said...

The Ham is no green because it does not say "Green eggs and Green Ham".
It says "Green eggs and Ham".
Point proven.:)

BSBT said...

You know A- I thought about saying that but...for 1 the ham in the IS green, and for 2 it says green eggs AND ham, and that very well may mean the ham is green also. We just will never know what Dr. Seuss really was saying.
Oh the things we would have to ask him if he were only here- was the ham green too? was it just the eggs that were green? why did the guy what to eat them till after they went under the water? (yuck)and the list goes on.
anyway, that's why I didn't say that.

liberty said...

You know what B? I was going to say the same thing !(kinda) =)
MB - look at the front of the book! What do you see? GREEN HAM!!! Therefore, because he did not specify whether the ham was green or not, we can only naturally assume that it was, since thats what the pictures show!

(Bethany, I think you've gotten more comments on this post then any other! It's gotta be somethin' about Dr. Seuss! :))

Anonymous said...

Bethany - Probably, if you let the ham sit out for a few days, it will be green also. Just a thought!

BSBT said...

Wow C, that's a great idea!!!
I might have to do that!
I might post a pic so y'all can see :D

Rhonda said...

I can only imagine what your mom would have to say about ham sitting on the counter for a few days Bethany! :)
You know, I don't think I have ever read Green Eggs and Ham. If I have I don't remember the first thing about it. My education is sadly lacking.

BSBT said...

OH MY!!! R, I can't take it in! How in the world have you ever got on in life without reading Green eggs and ham?!?!?!?!?!?! [Eyes REAL BIG] WOW!
You have lived a sad sad life without reading it I know, I feel for you very much. And next time you come up I will have to have you read it to me before we go to bed. :D lol

Rhonda said...

Oh yes, Bethany, you can tell I have had such a sad life. I told you my education wasn't complete without that book. ;)

Amber said...

Its True!!! You are missing a GREAT DEAL of life if you haven't read Green eggs and Ham!!!! *GASP* :)

Anna Joy said...

I have actually never liked that book!
*hides under chair while everyone throws stuff at me.*

But as a future nurse, I see "green eggs and ham" and think MOLD! DISEASE! DEATH!! YUCK! SALMONELLA! BACTERIA! Ok you get the idea! :-D lol

Amber said...

LOL! Too funny!

Anna Joy said...

What??? You think that death and disease is funny?? Lol just kidding! :)

BSBT said...

well Anna it's good to know (for all us that like the book) that you'll be around someday if we get sick.
BTW you wouldn't be able to have a job like that if there were no such thing as all that, right? :)

Anna Joy said...

Very true...hehe. :-D

Rhonda said...

Bethany, you never know what posts are going to draw the most comments! Wow!