Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Oh So Happy Family!

For some reason, going through some old photos the other day, made me laugh at how truly Grumpy we all looked in some of them! :)
This first one, was a late night car brake down on the side of the road, if I remember the story right. As you can tell, we were all a bit sleepy. :D

I always liked this picture. :) Long day of rides and fun! Now it's time to be a bum... and get some sleep! =]

Loving Sisters...

Really, we do love each other! Even if it doesn't really look like it all of the time! :)
The only one I missed in there was Dad, (other then his arm) he must just be too smiley or something. :D


Hannah said...

LOL! Those are some funny pics!

Cyndy713 said...

Boy, does that first picture bring back memories. BSBT, thanks for sharing.