Be sure to click one the picture so you can see kitty up closer. ( Well, you don't want to see me right?!) :)
Year of Memories... crazy, silly, happy, sad, giddy, goofy, trouble, good, fun, hyper, calm, talking, sleepy, jumpy, walking, playing, singing, yelling, laughing, cleaning, swimming, swinging, sledding, drinking (coffee!), eating, smiling, chatting, poking :P, jumping!, hurting, crying, praying, loving, caring, thinking, watching, reading, spelling :), fixing spelling :D, shopping, fighting, carrying, waiting, posting, commenting,
kidding, knowing, understanding...
I love my kitty! :D
And All of my other friends as well! :)
Watch out, you may end up on here some day too! =]
Thanks kitty, for being such a GREAT friend!