Friday, March 27, 2009

One Silly Kitty, And One Crazy Meatball

Kitty (Anna), sent this to me today. It has been around a years time that we have known each other. From the day we met we hit it off, and the rest, "is history"! :)
Be sure to click one the picture so you can see kitty up closer. ( Well, you don't want to see me right?!) :)
Year of Memories... crazy, silly, happy, sad, giddy, goofy, trouble, good, fun, hyper, calm, talking, sleepy, jumpy, walking, playing, singing, yelling, laughing, cleaning, swimming, swinging, sledding, drinking (coffee!), eating, smiling, chatting, poking :P, jumping!, hurting, crying, praying, loving, caring, thinking, watching, reading, spelling :), fixing spelling :D, shopping, fighting, carrying, waiting, posting, commenting,
kidding, knowing, understanding...
I love my kitty! :D
And All of my other friends as well! :)
Watch out, you may end up on here some day too! =]
Thanks kitty, for being such a GREAT friend!


Anna Joy said...

I had so much fun putting that collage together! And wow..we do a lot! And that's not even close to all, though I think you got most of the important things. :)
I love you too, my Meatball. You mean more to me than I could say. Thanks for all the support, advice, caring, being, laughing, crying, sharing, and all the rest that we've done over the last year...I hope there are many more years!

Anna Joy said...

By the way, I knew it was smart not to put many pictures of me in there! ;)

Stephanie Cosby said...

Aww that was sweet!

Hannah said...

Why,why?? I can never think of what to say :P

Anna Joy said...

So I was just lying here with nothing to do, since I haz the flu, and I realized that now it's been almost two years...anyways have I mentioned that I LOVE you? You mean even more to me this year than you did last; I don't know what I'd ever do without you.
the krazy kitty